ProjectBoating.com. Why did I create this site?
Simple. To help inform new and experience boaters on the ins and outs of owning
a boat.
My name is Brad Visser the chief editor and owner of Projectboaing.com. I’ve grown up around boats my entire life living in Northern Michigan.
Fun fact: (You are within 6 miles
from a water source anywhere you are in Michigan rather it’s a river, creek or
I would later get a sweet little center console that was as blast but eventual needed something bigger for my growing family.
Today we are a family of 5 and own a nice 4Winns 20’ open bow speed boat. Over the years I have learned how to winterize (remember we live in Michigan) troubleshoot and fix the big I/O 5.0lt V-8 engine.

I wanted to create a site to help others with all the questions I had as a new boat owner.
As I progressed through different boats and engines over the years, I have learned so much and want to provide the most informative guides, tips, and safety measures that I have learned over that past 30+ years of owning boats.

Thanks for cruising by and we hope you find this site to be a helpful resource for your journey to find the answers to your boating question.